Questions about business, submit, online, kindly, failed, would su ...
Questions and Answers for BAS-I.C free and easy small business accounting.
Questions are displayed in order of posting.
Q: I would like to submit my BAS form online for 2022. Kindly send me the link as I have failed to complete the BAS with the assumption that I don't have any business activity.
A: The Australian Tax Office manages GST and BAS. You should contact them, for details see their gst page at .
Q: Thanks for your earlier response. As yet I've been unable to back-up my data -software wont let me. Can I just confirm that to successfully do this I need to pay the years subscription and that will then allow a back-up of my current HTTP data. Once this is done I will then be able to import the data into the new HTTPS version of the software and I'll be up and running again? The software is great and easy to use, I don't have a problem paying - I just want to make sure that will fix the problem
A: Yes, Backup and Restore functions are only available when subscribed to BAS-I.C Plus. Purchase a subscription and access BAS-I.C using the paid subscription link emailed after you subscribe. This link can be used with either https:// or http:// (just add or remove the "s" in the url) to access local data, backup from http and restore from https. Let me know if I can help further.
Q: Hi, I appear to have lost my accounts recently. I've been using your software package to keep track of incomings / outgoings and find it very useful and easy to use. I tried to go HTTP as suggested (for figures up to end of June 23) but it was still blank. Any ideas please? I hope I haven't lost everything. All data was automatically online and I didn't back up often.
A: To transfer protocols from HTTPS a HTTP data a Backup is required, your Account Code on HTTPS is enabled using Resend your Account Code from and from a Full Restore is performed. This will fully set up your account on HTTPS. All data is saved locally via your browser on your computer in the protocol used. Automatically saved data can only be accessed from the same computer and browser from which it was saved and from the same protocol ie HTTP or HTTPS. This means to automatically use saved data you need to use the same computer, browser and protocol that it was saved from. If your computer/browser data storage is cleared the data will be cleared. When you change protocols onty the data saved in the protocol used can be displayed. So if you change protocols you must save from HTTP and a restore from HTTPS. Also keep in mind that only data for the selected period is displayed. To see all data click ALL, List View, Revenue/Expense. BAS-I.C also allows you to access and save data in other formats using Share, Backup, Archive and Export functions. If you have the data saved via one of these functions you can reinstate it using Restore or Import.
Q: bas-i.c HTTPS transaction and account data update
A: HTTPS Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure encryption is enabled providing improved communication security. HTTPS and HTTP http :// are currently available however transaction and account data is only accessible in the protocol it was saved. All data to June 2023 is HTTP, to access this please use http :// . It is recommended that for all HTTP data a Backup is performed, your Account Code on HTTPS is enabled using Resend your Account Code from and from a Full Restore is performed. This will fully set up your account on HTTPS. HTTPS should be used for future transactions. HTTP is scheduled for removal at the end of 2023.
Q: Hello, could you please let me know how I can review and resume my BAS for 2021?
A: If you are trying to access previously saved data on BAS-IC see . There is also lots of info at
Q: Is there any way to get a quick P & L or Balance Sheet report from BASBusiness or BAS.IC ?
A: In BAS-I.C you can click Summary View to display income and expense account totals with Profit and Loss for the selected period. BAS Business Accounts only provides quarterly BAS summaries or quarterly income or expense totals not a Profit and Loss.
Q: Where do I submit my BAS to?
A: To the ATO. See their gst page at
Q: I'm keen to include the wages component to my spreadsheet but am unsure how this will affect the setup I already have. The info box says it will delete certain components and add others. I'm not sure which ones and whether they will affect me?
A: Before any change please back up all data (transactions and setup), this will allow you to restore if required. You can see the Preset Accounts detail at . If you change the preset account or set up (ie Include Wages) then any existing pre set Accounts will be removed and the new pre set accounts added. Any transactions that are set with an account that has been removed will become orphaned and unable to be reconciled in the BAS View. The transactions will still remain but in List View they will be shaded red. Accounts that you have individually added will remain valid. If you Include Wages existing preset accounts will be replaced with the Include Wage setup and if needed you can then re load the required preset accounts (ie click Generic etc..). In list view check that you have no orphaned accounts (shaded red) and you should be all good. Please back up before making any changes and ensure you backup regularly. All data is saved locally on your system (no where else). Hope that makes sense. Additional detail on accounts is available at . If you have a different computer or browser you can use your account link to access BAS-I.C and play around with account settings without impacting your current setup.
Q: I'm trying to load previously saved data. When I open the link below all my entered data has gone but I have a couple saved html files on my computer, is there a way to extract that data from the html files or do I have to re-enter the whole of 2017's data again?
A: All data is saved locally via your browser on your computer. Automatically saved data can only accessed from the same computer and browser from which it was saved. This means to automatically use saved data you need to use the same computer and browser that it was saved from. If you computer/browser data storage is cleared the data will be cleared. Also keep in mind that only data for the selected period is displayed. To see all data click ALL, List View, Revenue/Expense. BAS-I.C also allows you to access and save data in other formats using Share, Backup, Archive and Export functions. If you have the data saved via one of these functions you can reinstate it using Restore or Import. If you are unable to access your old data send me the html files you have and I will have a look to see if anything can be done to assist further.. however I will not be able to get to this until late next week at the earliest.
Q: For some reason i can't change the financial year button from 2017 to 2016.
A: You should be able to change the date. At the top left where it says "Financial year from" click the Month button to select a month ie Jul and then click the Year button the change the year ie 2016. Q: I need to make entries for 3 different entities, can I just create 3 different books completely? A: Yes. You can run separate accounts easily using sub domains ie add a sub domain like mybiz. in front of your BAS-I.C Account Code url so it becomes something like http: // . See for full details.
Q: Is it possible to change a free account to a paid account and then back up info? I have signed up with a different email account by mistake.
A: Yes, if you use the same pc and browser your data should be automatically saved and will be available to your new account.
Q: Am I reading this correctly BAS is only completed quarterly? We currently do ours on a monthly basis.
A: For most small business < $20 million turnover yes...according to the ATO "If you have a GST turnover of $20 million or more, you must report and pay GST monthly .... Other businesses may choose to report GST monthly." See or-annual-GST-return/Options-for-reporting-and-paying-GST/ Monthly-GST-reporting/
Q: I recently had an issue with PayPal and the backup payment option. I've noticed that our BAS-I.C account was cancelled because of this. If we were to resign would I lose all my previously saved data?
A: If you access BAS-I.C on the same computer and browser your data should still be there.
Q: Entering into income page under accounts, entering the income account name as I have done on the previous two pages (i.e. July, August) only to be told "this value doesn't match the data validation restrictions defined for this cell"
A: The Account value should be selected from the drop down list. Click the cell and down arrow to find the correct account. Thisensures it is exactly as set in the accounts sheet and can be calculated correctly. If you need it to be a different acccount set up the account in the accounts sheet. If I can assist further please let me know.
Q: Please with regards to printing out the expenses for each particular month is it possible to include the 'Notes column (which I use to itemise) in the print out. I am printing in landscape format and I am able to get every column on the print out except for the notes column.
A: If you use your browsers print function instead of the BAS-I.C print icon you should be able to print whatever is on the screen including the notes. The BAS-I.C print icon limits the content to assist formatting.
Q: Can I somehow resubscribe?
A: Yes goto click the Join BAS-I.C Plus Now button and you should be able to set up a new PayPal subscription.
Q: Would you recommend using Bas-i.c for a small company? Only 3 employees with 1 main income stream.
A: It is really designed for sole trader style businesses reporting on a cash basis and does not include specific payg functions for employees.. so it is not really suited to company accounts.
Q: I am after a simple system that will create a category for each expense, add up the category total and give me a result. I also want a system that will transfer the purchases listed on my bank statements directly to the program so I don't have to transfer them manually Does your system do both these?
A: Yes you can set up required accounts, import bank csv files and allocate them to an account see for more info.
Q: I am in the process of preparing my tax info for my accountant. I was wondering how I get my information onto a USB or whatever it is I need to do?
A: The most common method is simply select the required Full Year (FY) and then Summary View and from the Summary Controls Print either as a hard copy or pdf to your usb. You can also do the same for BAS View. This should provide all you need.
Q: Just sorting my BAS and wonder if you have a provision for wages/payroll? Wages and Super are non GST right?
A: You can include wage accounts by selecting Include Wages from the tax setup options when you click the arrow down icon at the top beside the Business Name button. This will add wage related tax items and accounts you can then use these to record wages and they will be applied as wages in your BAS (no gst). More information is available at and
Q: I do the books for multiple small business. Is there a way to add two small businesses without deleting the records of the other?
A: There are a couple of options. You can use Back Up / Full Restore each time you want to work with a different entity which is basically saving (Back Up) the data to a file on your local system and then opening (Restore) it to work on it. See the Restore section at . This approach can also be used with files saved remotely see . Alternatively you can simply access BAS-I.C via a sub domain ie http: // . You can do this by adding a sub domain like mybiz. in front of your BAS-I.C Account Code url so it becomes something like http: // This sets BAS-I.C to a sub domain address and data is saved locally via the sub domain. In essence you can have multiple sub domains set for different entities and each data set is saved locally as an independent data set ie , etc. You should also always backup you data for each business on your local system and you could have a separate folder for each business. See for some more info.
Q: I am unable to access my business information using the email code. I have just upgraded to Windows 10,is this a problem?
A: No problem, Windows 10 upgrades themselves should be fine, we have done it ourselves with no loss of data. However all data is saved by the browser you use so if you are now using a different browser ie Windows Edge you will need to open the browser you used to input your data ie Internet Explorer? You can do this from Edge by clicking the More actions icon in Edge (the ellipses at the top right) and then select Open with Internet Explorer .. If you want to use your data in Edge then use the BAS-I.C Backup function in IE and the BAS-I.C Restore function from Edge. Hope that helps.
Q: I'm a first time account and wish to know when lodging my BAS statement is email the correct avenue to lodge to the ATO. Previously l have lodged direct through the business portal, logging in with my AUS key.
A: The Business Portal is the best method. Simply input the item amounts from BAS-I.C into the business portal fields.
Q: I think this worked quite well for me. There doesn't seem to be any password or anything to log in with. What are the security parameters to stop anyone with my email address accessing the data?
A: All data is saved locally on your computer so your data can only be accessed when the software is run on the computer it was entered. Your email and Account Code are also saved locally so you can easily access your account without having to login but only on the computer and browser that you entered your data on. See for more detail. So no one can access anything unless they are logged on as you on your computer.
Q: I'm having difficulty importing my csv files from Jan-Mar 2015. I'm doing exactly the same thing I did for April-June 2015. It worked perfectly before. I'm using chrome if that helps any. Please tell me I can work backwards?
A: Something must be different? Chrome is good so not sure what the issue is. Have a look at for instructions making sure csv files are in standard format / order of Date, Amount, Account. If your csv files have the same structure you should be able to import. If not you can edit your csv file in your spreadsheet. Date should be dd/mm/yyyy and amounts should just be numbers (no $ sign). You can set this with Excel formatting to remove the $ formatting and then when you save the file as a csv file save it as a csv without any formatting (Excel will usually ask). If it work previously and not know maybe your csv file is different? Not sure what you mean by work backwards?
Q: What is my BAS-I.C profile?
A: Thanks for the feedback .. re the profile that is the type of account you have set up. You can see all plan features at . During initial introductory evaluation BAS-I.C Free provides full functionality. After this it becomes advertising supported and some functionality is restricted. BAS-I.C Plus provides ongoing Backup, Archive, Import and Export functionality. For details please refer to .
Q: Is there a secure (https - TLS) link for your BAS-I.C product? I can't trust my business data to this product without a valid HTTPS link.
A: You can use for secure access however all your data is saved on your own computer and in normal use is not sent over the internet and can not be accessed in any way except by the computer it was entered on. Data is only sent to the sever if certain data manipulation functions are used (ie Archive etc). For more details see .
Q: Hi. I have just joined BAS-ic. I used the link given, set and opened in Google Chrome. I have set up business name and type and GST but I cannot enter any data under account, revenue or amount. I am using Windows 7. Hope you can help.
A: To add a transaction click an account button (revenue account buttons are green, expense account buttons are red) this adds a transaction line and then you can input a total in the transaction line (red or green cell in the total column). You can see an Overview of BAS-I.C Small Business BAS and GST Accounting at this includes a video showing how data is input. If you still have difficulty let me know exactly what you are doing and what does or does not happen and I will assist further. Your system seems suitable and should be fully functional.
Q: Do you have anything that is suitable for the Apple IPad system which is called numbers?
A: If you can not use our spreadsheet based BAS accounting you could try our web based system . This runs directly in your browser and will run on all current browsers.
Q: The BAS figures do not appear to be moving from the monthly expense and income columns to the Tax section.
A: The Tax sheet is were your Tax settings are set up, it does not display amounts. Total amounts are displayed in the Totals columns for each quarter in the Income and Expense sheets and on the BAS sheet. The BAS sheet provides all your calculated BAS figures, Quick Start provides a short overview . FYI we also have recently released a web based GST and BAS system at .
Q: Where does my info entered get stored?
A: All data is saved on your local computer using the latest HTML5 Local Storage feature. Data saved this way can only be accessed by the site that saves it, this is similar to web site cookies but faster and more secure. BAS-I.C also allows you to access and save this data in other formats using Share, Backup, Archive and Export. The exact directory location of local storage is system and browser dependent as it is not designed for direct access and is only for use by the site that saved it. Further detail on HTML5 Local Storage can be found at:
Q: Firstly I'd like to thank you for putting BAS-I.C on the market. = I am a sole operator as a business (well bearly in business ) and I was an avid operator of E-record for all my BAS stuff. I think from an very newbie aspect your product fills a great void. At this time, I would like to know about access to the data that I enter. Can you kindly confirm that I alone is the only person who has access to the stored data. I understand that the data is stored on my computer but can you confirm that no-one from your end has access to what I store.
A: Only you can access your data from the browser and computer it was saved on. No other access it possible it is locally saved and only accessible locally... see . Thanks.
Q: I am just writing to see if I can get into my account somehow? I usually log in on a different computer and right now its coming up as just a blank white screen with nothing on it and I can't access anything.
A: All data is saved in the browser/computer used to enter it. So you will need to access via the original computer. Use the Account Code link sent when you joined to access your account. You can have your Account Code link resent from
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