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Importing Bank Account Transactions to BAS-I.C

Importing bank account transactions from a csv file (comma separated values) is a quick and easy way to add transactions to . It also provides automatic bank account reconciliation as data is directly extracted from your bank account.

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Importing Transactions from Bank Account CSV file to BAS-I.C Video

From your online banking account export your bank account transactions to a csv file and save it on your local computer with a .csv file type (ie bank.csv). If you open your exported csv file in a spreadsheet like Excel you will be able to see the transactions exported. Each transaction will be in a row. You may need to increase the column width to see the data. CSV files will also open in a simple text editor like NotePad. To import into the column order should be Date, Amount, Details. Expense amounts will be negative and Revenue amounts will be positive. This is the standard order for many Australian banks.

Exported Bank Account Transactions CSV File

To import the bank transactions click Import Import, select the csv file and the transactions will be imported. Initially imported transactions are set as the first revenue or expense account and the note field is set with the transaction description.

To review and adjust imported transaction accounts click and activate Edit Mode Edit Mode. Then click to display the revenue transactions, click the account you want to apply to a transaction and click the account column in a transaction to change it to the active account. Repeat for transactions. Once complete click Edit Mode to exit Edit Mode. Any unrequired transactions can be deleted Delete.

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